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Monday, March 12, 2012

diggin in

Today started out rough, my reaction to ice cream was severe enough to keep me from work. Seems like dairy is definitely off the list.I will pick a new food in a few days and try that one next.

I spent the latter part of the day taking care of the chickens, and starting to weed out and turn over the raised garden beds. First one went pretty quick, the second one was FILLED with green June beetle grubs... UGG! How do I know this? Because I looked it up.

After picking the first 17 out, I went and opened up the chicken coop, let the girls have at them. Once they were gone I went back to the second bed and continues, as I found a grub, I put it in the bowl for the girls later. The great part is that about 15 minutes later, the girls and the duck came over to the garden beds. Perfect! I didn't have to go feed them, once they figured out the game they were all for it. They finished off the next bowl full quickly and then were helping me turn over the earth, I say helping because they were flinging it everywhere. They started having a ball, but no sense of direction and quite a bit of earth ended up outside the edge. At one point it was similar to tossing treats to Tequila, they were all standing there, expecting the next tidbit to be tossed to them.

It was very interesting the look they got when eying the next meal, I could see their ancestors creeping in. Very raptor-ish, when I didn't supply the snacks quick enough one of the girls decided that my finger was the next likely treat. By this time they were all gathered around me, with low clucks of satisfaction. Even the duck was whispering his approval of the unexpected meal.

Just another fabulous day.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lots have happened since my last post. I finally made the decision to transition into a better/quieter lifestyle. I stepped out of management, and took a part time job as a cake decorator. In less than 1 month I lowered the bottom number of my BP by 10 points. And have sustained a 15 pound weight loss. Who says stress wont kill you is lying.

I was also able to become a working student and Weekend Manager with my trainer/instructor/friend at Steel Prize Stables. This enables me to spend quality time, spend my energy the way I want to, and increase my horse time, riding, watching, reading and learning. Being able to spend this much time riding has definitely enhanced the connection between Hawk and I. Our partnership has become closer, the hiccup's almost non-existent.

So by starting this time last year at focusing at a "5" I realized that I couldn't do both. Publix is a great company, and Publix managers are required to do a lot. I realized that I wasn't willing to give that much time and mental space to accomplish what needed to be done. After putting my career first for way to many years, I decided to put myself first. My personal goals ahead of my work goals. I sat back and revised them, I honed them into goals that would increase my knowledge of the Equine field.

Starting this January I began putting together my application to become a Dressage Technical Delegate for the USEF. Its going to take some time, and a lot of travel. But the end result will be more than worth it. I am enjoying being back in the learners seat.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Oh joy! To wear spurs again after so many years.[yes, I had the buckles wrong..sigh] lol. I was ready, for Hawk to be more upward than forward. I was surprised to say the least that he did not buck. He did sound surprised the first time I touched him. Kind of like... "Crap! I need to get myself together!" He became very strong, almost felt like we were going to run the derby. [hold with my back, sit over my hips, keep my legs quiet, give with the reins...] all these commands rushing through my head. I'm thinking "Crap! I need to get myself together!"

We finished the movement, it kinda came together by default. Later I heard that we looked really good. I was surprised. Then my trainer let me know that some of the best rides are near the exploding point. Which, make me think we did look good. Because I surely thought we were going to crash and burn.

So today is another lesson, and yes I will be putting on the spurs again. Today I am looking forward to working together better. Having him forward and on the bit, without the fear that I am doing everything wrong. So when I feel his strength, I know it is what I should be feeling.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Compassion -

Compassion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would like to say that it goes against my nature to be compassionate. But I would be lying. It is easy to be compassionate concerning your children, wanting to make sure everything works out in their favor, that life and love don't leave scars.

Being compassionate for someone elses pain, grief, saddness means you take yourself out of the picture. In no way do you become the focus, ever. To realise that during such levels of grief, they are dealing with emotional, physical and psychological overload.

The sad news is...

Life is hard. Around every corner, there is another hurdle. What we make of the sitsuation is what defines us.

Do we live in the past, beating ourselves, and or others for our choices, failures or successes?

Why not just leave the past there. Accept it. It happened, and go on. I've had this conversation more more than a few people. Have read similar thoughts and ideas from friends who are struggling with issues.

I have to say that looking back at all my history there are very few things I would change. Most of my decisions I would let stand. The ones that I had hurt someone, physically, mentally or emotionally I would change. But being that we cannot change history, I have adopted the mind set of not repeating those actions. Am I perfect. not at all. But, I am better than I was.

High School has been in the fore front of my mind here lately. Unfortunately a High School friend is dealing with a very devistating and tragic event. The social networks have brought us all back into eachothers lives after so many years. Where typically before we would get this news at the next class reunion. To know immediately that grief and shock so heavy being bourne by a person known in younger days. I must applaud those classmates who were able to be there in person.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Staying at a five.

I have delved back into the mystical world of Dressage. What was I thinking when I faded out the last time. So basically, and forgive the pun... back in the saddle again... I am realizing (HA more like been told by many people} That I need to "slow my roll" Soften the mind, try not to think to much about it, let it happen, don't force the issue.

And then an epiphany, I live at a 9 (1 -10 scale of energy output.) I have been recently instructed that to learn, I need to become a 5. That in its self is difficult, but with so many people wanting me to succeed, plus my own determination to do this. I am tackling the most difficult part of my own being. Slowing down. And when I feel myself getting up in the numbers, my safe word, "5" It brings me back to where I need and want to be. I have seen a great improvement with Hawk, he likes it better, who wouldn't?

So... The first schooling show for the TVDCTA [Tennessee Valley Dressage Combined Training Assoc.][[and my first in....13 years]] is this next Saturday, with a clinic following on Sunday. Yep, in for a penny, in for a pound, decided to ride the clinic as well. Which in a way will be beneficial. Our judge will break the scores down as why they are marked that way and hopefully how to improve the rides. I remember from my very first dressage ride many years ago, "needs to utilize the aids to become a more effective rider" I totally understand that now. So, lets hear it for amazing weather, a cool breeze and well behaved horses and riders!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Crazy times

Rick and I got back from Vanderbilt on Thursday, Good news is that I no longer have to be on the Plavix. Just a baby aspirin a day. It has been quite a crazy time the past year and a half. I did think to ask about being able to SCUBA [it has been something I have wanted to do.] But it seems that is not recommended because of the past history of stroke. Which is fine, because there are so many other things that I am into.

The Girls are growing fast, and Rick is putting the coop together, Should be ready by this following weekend. I am ready for them to be outside! PLUS have a friend who is expecting 50 more Barred Rocks, straight run, asked if he needed to get rid of a Roo to let me know. Plus more babies if they get to be too much.

Have been researching the top bar hive, I really like the look of it. Seems to be user friendly and that is a big Plus! Seems like the hive stays a bit healthier, but I'm sure that other types have their loyal following as well. I worked the traditional hives many years ago. (like 25) I am thrilled to be able to do this again.